Anoosheh Oskouian

Anoosheh Oskouian - 总统 and CEO

总统 & Chief Executive Officer

As the 总统 and Chief Executive Officer of 船 & Shore Environmental, Inc. she directs the corporate strategy for marketing and product development with her team of sales engineers, design engineers, project managers, 制造商, service technicians and other support staff to design, 制造, install and commission state-of-the-art air pollution abatement equipment.


约翰·冯·巴根 - VP and Director of 工程

VP & Director of 工程

约翰·冯·巴根 is the Vice 总统 and Director of 工程 for 船 & Shore Environmental, Inc. His expertise spans 30+ years of designing energy efficient VOC abatement equipment for a variety of industrial manufacturing processes. Regenerative thermal oxidizers, 集中器, carbon adsorbers, heat exchangers, 耀斑, and boilers are just some of the areas of his expertise.

阿奴D. Vij

阿奴D. Vij - Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer

As Chief Operating Officer for 船 & Shore Environmental Inc., Vij oversees Sales, 金融, 工程, Project Management, 采购, Production and Service groups along with providing leadership for Business Development.  阿奴D. Vij is a seasoned Global operations & technical leader with over two decades of experience in the environmental and air pollution control industries.